
Automaton assassin proficiency
Automaton assassin proficiency

automaton assassin proficiency automaton assassin proficiency

For some reason, equipping this Proficiency along with the other two attachments allows players to advance the Mindgames camo with ADS kills. Here, players want to select the Frenzy Proficiency. Once those attachments are equipped, players will need to head into the Proficiency slot for the Automaton. Players can equip these attachments without any problem. The other two attachments required for the Mindgames camo section are the Anastasia Sniper barrel and Empress Broadsword stock. Earning Gold camo on the Automaton in Vanguard Fans recently discovered a workaround to this issue, though. Without it, players can’t complete the “Mindgames” camo section and are unable to earn Gold camo on the Automaton. The attachment in question is the Assassin Proficiency. The reason why the challenge is stopping players is due to the fact that one of the attachments required doesn’t exist. This is normally no trouble at all, as ADS kills are the most common with an assault rifle. The Automaton has a camo challenge that requires players get 100 ADS kills using a certain set of attachments. However, one of the mistakes is seemingly stopping players from earning Gold camo on the Automaton assault rifle in Vanguard multiplayer. These oversights from Sledgehammer Games are to be expected to a degree, considering how new Vanguard is. Through all of the bugs and glitches currently in Call of Duty: Vanguard, there are also some simple oversights.

Automaton assassin proficiency